Friday, December 26, 2008

We've been busy!

We have been working really hard guys! I know, we keep saying it, but we mean it! So our team has decided to create up an yahoo account (We assume most of our readers use that most?) And we will be hosting a LIVE chat on Saturday January 3rd @ 8 PM est.

To be there, add our team's screenname---
-Send us an offline message
-We'll add you to our list and invite you into the Yahoo! room on Sat. Jan. 3rd :)

We would be using other more professional chat software to hold this chat/discussion, but we decided this would be easiest and we want as many people to be able to come as possible. :) It's time to make your ideas heard!

Pictures coming soon soon of our progress! ~~Sorry for all the weeks we missed posting, we really are working on getting this out A.S.AP~~

Happy Holidays!

~Maxis Tatiana